About Kathy

i love Jesus, my husband, dogs, arrows, coffee, and all things purple.

My name is Kathy Nicholls, and I am the owner of Inspiration Station.

I have loved sharing things in the direct sales industry for several years. My great passion is helping others start and grow a business so that they can pursue their dreams and help their family. 

In January 2019, I incorporated my business, Inspiration Station, so that I could offer a variety of inspiring products, things that inspire and bring beauty into our lives. 

Enter Mary & Martha

join mary and martha, mary and martha pueblo colorado, why join mary and martha

While I’ve always loved the direct sales industry and what it offers, this company is turning out to be life changing for me. My faith is important to me, and I love being in situations where I can share that. In April 2020, I attended a Mary & Martha gathering with a friend. And I fell in love with it. As many of you may know already, Mary & Martha are the names of two very famous sisters in the Bible. One sister was focused on hospitality for her guest, Jesus, while the other sister was tuned into the words that Jesus was sharing. As believing women, we can find beauty in both sisters and their struggles to find a balance between hospitality and being fully present. “Living in the &” is what we like to call it. Whether you’re striving to balance a family & a career, learning to love God & love others, or just need to be told you’re a wonderful friend & woman, I’d like to encourage you to live in the & with me.

Do you have days when you just need a little encouragement? Get my free list of 10 verses that will give you hope and encouragement! Then you can keep it handy to encourage you when you need a little pick me up.