This month I’m doing a challenge in my business. My team is called Team Intentional. We picked that name because we want to be intentional about our business and how we do things.

This word has always spoken to me, for my business and my life. For me, it means to do things “on purpose” or with a plan. It’s not about just throwing things on the wall and seeing what sticks; it’s so much more than that.

Last night as I was doing my devotional, I had a God Wink, if you will. God is also intentional. Everything in our life is planned and done with purpose. It was a bit of a light bulb moment for me, because Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse, and yet I’ve never consciously connected that to the word intentional. As I made the connection last night, what came to me is that it’s not enough to just be intentional in my business. It’s also important to be intentional in my spiritual life and my walk with Christ. Since attending the Just Gals Conference last weekend, I came away knowing I wanted to create a plan for more time in the Word and developing a deeper relationship of faith. By being intentional about it, it means I create a plan to do that. No more leaving those sticky notes on the mirror!

This morning, I was perusing the internet for what it says about the word intentional, and happened upon this song. It fits with what I wanted to say so I’m sharing it with you. When we get it that God is intentional about our lives, it allows us to stop that worrying and step into the life that we’re meant to live. Imagine that!

So today I challenge you to embrace that word intentional. God already has, and I think He’s just waiting for us to get it! I hope you will join me in being intentional and expecting the same!