I’m currently doing a study with my Inner Circle membership about Esther. And I’m struck by how much we can learn from her life that applies to our own lives. It’s been a fascinating study for me to do the comparisons.

Esther attempted to conform to the world around her. She took a Persian name and worked for the Persian government, even though she was called to do great things by God and was called to be set apart. Don’t we also try to conform sometimes? And in today’s world, it seems that is sometimes the path of least resistance. There is so much turmoil and disagreement, and I feel like sometimes Christians stay quietly in the background because they just don’t want to rock the boat or deal with the controversy.

I doubt Esther knew in the beginning she would be queen. And she probably didn’t feel very qualified to do it. And yet, she did become the queen and look at how it went from there.

It’s often said God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. How often have you felt that nudge to do something, get involved in something, or say something, and yet you say to yourself “I’m not the person to do that.” Or “I’m just not qualified, no one would listen to me.” But God…..

Today I challenge each of you to embrace the thought that perhaps you were made for such a time as this. Listen to those quiet nudges where God is telling you to step out and do something. And then step into your Godfidence and do it! If you’re called to do it, God will equip you. What are you being led to do today?

Until next time,